Now again, the best and the worst are relative. Each person has his or her own set of priorities in life. And the extremes do get defined by each person as well. Thats why I believe the priorities should be clearly defined. I have found that often enough it is not possible to hold too many things at the top of the list. Sometimes there are choices. It might yet not be a compromise on the ones amongst the top priorities but it might seem to be. That is the hard nature of things when time is involved. If time were not a boundary to be operating within I firmly believe there is no reason for a person to compromise in life on anything or any number of things that that person holds dear to life. But when time is involved one has to choose sometimes as to what will you have first or more than the others for the time. Its is a choice often forced on us by time and sometimes we may live to regret having made a certain choice, and therefore it is important to make that choice after considering both the worst and the best possible outcomes. One ofcourse has to be prepared for the worst. The choice to work towards the best is always going to be there.
There are usually choices in setting the priorities and then there are choices in doing the things we want done. Its tough but sometimes that is what is required of us to ensure that we can look back in time and know that we did our best. I believe that we should not let go of the chances to achieve the best just because we choose to not choose and go with the flow. Whatever comes easy we accept whatever is difficult we let it go. The irritating thing I have also realized is that the best fate is also the difficult one to get to when planned to be reached. I believe that nothing in life should be not as it should be for the want of our effort or intellect. I believe we have the potential to be the best, while we need to be confident that we will manage in the worst also.
Sometimes it is important to break our own selves to get to the best. It is important to change our perceptions about situations to achieve our goals. There is more often than not a zillion ways of looking at things within the two extremes we know exist. It is very important in my eyes to acknowledge these possibilities and according to the situation, if need be, change the way we look at things or do things. I have had to do it so many times in the past few years that the only thing I now believe is that its the most important thing to do, it is to change when there is a need to change to reach the place you desire to be at. When we resist these changes we invariably become our own enemies in reaching our true potential as a person.
It is for us to accept the possibilities we see of each situation and work out what we believe is important and then try and get to the best place we want to find ourselves in. I dont like resigning to fate and I never want anyone else resigning to it as well.
Ankit Mehta