Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Magic is the Pinnacle of all Technology

I often wonder, where are we going... Why do we make new things? Why are we improving what already is? Where does it end? Does it ever end? Will there ever be a time when we will not be wondering "what iF..." ? 

You know, these are still less serious questions, the bigger question is that can something live forever? Today we have created a company, and its not so difficult to do so, trust me. You get an idea, you realise people would want to buy it if they see it, you work towards making it (i won't say its easy doing that, but still) and you start selling it. Yet, creating something that will live forever, yes that indeed is a challenge. Be it a physical product or an idea. 

But lemme not digress... I intend to find out what should I aim at... is there an ultimate end to technology...? to making things...? can there be something we cannot improve upon...?

I have been mulling over this thought forever... and I would like you to think about this as well... and share your thoughts about this in the comments below... 

I have always been fascinated by magic. The ability to manifest something from nothing. mere thought resuting in action without effort. WOW!!! That has always been a huge pull. I suck on magical fantasies, novels, movies, animes, anything... And its not that I dont do it conciously. I do.

Even I wonder at times why am I so silly. I know that all this is not possible in real life but still I watch read and many a times live in a fantasy world myself.  But, now I know my answer.

Every technology, every field has its end in being able to achieve its goal magically. To be able to do things without seeming to do them. To be able to move without seeming to have twitched a muscle. To vanish at one place and be at another the next instant. Ah!!! Is that not what we appear to aspire to in whatever we make or think. I for one do aspire to make things magical. 

Magic is the Pinnacle of all Technology.

And in that I find the answer to my question about making something live forever. An organisation with the aim of creating magic is bound to live forever. For either it will never achieve its goal, or it may do so and the world will have nothing better to buy for eternity. :)

Ankit Mehta


L. Venkata Subramaniam said...

well magic and science/technology dont go together :)

Anyway I understand what you mean. Innovative thoughts are like magic.

Manu Sharma said...

Who says magic doesn't do well with technology?

Clarke's third law:

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Ankit Mehta said...

I guess its about the way we perceive magic. I for one disconnect with its traditional sleight of hand definition. I believe in its true essence.