Saturday, August 15, 2009

The thought Vs The action

Ideas have a tremendous power to transport us to an entirely different plane, into the future. Its amazing how sometimes when an idea grips the imagination it reveals to us a world of unlimited possibilities, how we can envision a new world emerging from even the seemingly simplest of ideas.

Its even more amazing though when we let ideas compel us to act. Now, there may be many a slip between the idea and the execution, we might land up far short of what we had dreamed, but what is also amazing is that when we let the ideas take over for a time we always keep at it. It is the force of ideas that helps us strive to make better.

Ideas alone though are not enough. There are times when implementation is more relevant than having a far sight into the future. Some jobs just need get done, and its not surprising if time and again we find ourselves doing only that and not looking beyond.

Then again, we seek inspiration from creation a lot of times. What has already been done inspires us to think beyond. While popular beliefs might point at inspiration giving birth to creation, I believe more often than not it is what already has been created that inspires us to make new.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


What iF, every building on this planet had a garden atop it?

What iF, the Govt. makes its mandatory for every building to maintain a garden or something like it on its terrace?

What iF, enough incentive is devised for the builders or the societies to do it in the first place?

I have been wondering about this since sometime now. Imagine, every city in the world covered in green from atop. All the vegitation displaced due to urbanization could return to the land in a very different way. It could encourage local farming, improve evapotation, consume more CO2, ...

On the other hand, one has to consider the energy spent in getting the garden up there in the first place. Then there is mainetnance costs, water cost, ... that we need to consider.

There are lots of factors to consider, but I guess there is no harm in trying to figure, what it takes to get atleast one building there.

I am thinking of doing or searching a similar feasilibility study on the same. And need a loads of people to help me do it. You guys can buzz me at Would love to get this going.

Ankit Mehta