Friday, September 26, 2008

What iF,

    What iF, I could charge my cell phone anywhere…

What iF, I never ran out of charge…


What iF, my car could run longer on the same fuel…

What iF, I never needed fuel again…


What iF, I could get some backup power when power cuts…

What iF, I never went out of power again…


What iF, I could protect my self from pollution…

What iF, there was no pollution…

It is such ideas that I have nurtured all along. Ever since I remember innovation has been my song. Where the world is today, was not my design, but I know for sure the future will be mine. I know of no other way to exist, but to Forge these ideas into realities.

Everytime we see a problem I believe we unfailingly see what should have been otherwise. Problems always give a glimpse of the solution as well. What may not be there is the path to the solution. And that I believe is personal choice of getting into it or not. For me it is manifests as a natural compulsion. 

Its really funny when I look at the world we have designed at large. Zillion miles of road and tracks simply because we cannot make vehicles adaptive enough to travel quick even without them. Zillion acres of forests cleared because we cannot find a way to live with them around us. Ah! Everything we do we push the natural world away from us. There is somehow no desire reflected in our work to live with it. 

What iF, we create technology that builds our world around nature.
What iF, we live and let live. 


Girish said...

Hi meta .. I was here so I thought I'll leave a comment. Nice blog :)


L. Venkata Subramaniam said...

yup wont it be good to have that perpetual, self propelling, machine!

Abhishek said...

Good blog, meta [:)] !